Heal your sacred wounds through compassionate self responsibility
Heal your sacred wounds through compassionate self responsibility
Most people have experienced an emotional wound or two at some point in their life. Sometimes those emotional wounds become associated with physical complaints and stuck emotional energy that become aches and pains—or simply nagging patterns—that won’t go away in the body.
The good news is, these ‘problems’ can become processed to become possibilities: they can set you on a course of discovery of who you are and the freedom to be your best self in your life and relationships.
Whether you are a healer or a receiver of healing, this series provides guidance and transparency about the nature of your odyssey of discovery. It explores your life journey, unlocking and activating your personal and spiritual potential through the healing process.
The series is intended to be read in order, and readers who start with a volume other than the first are encouraged to seek-out the remaining volumes, as each offers a unique perspective and insights into the healing process.
This series is written with love from the perspective of several traditions that hold dear the idea that there is one benevolent source from which we and all of life emanate. Its major influences include; Self-Identity Ho‘oponopono, A Course in Miracles (ACIM), the original teachings of Jesus, and holistic spiritual science.
For more information on some fundamental components of the healing process, readers may enjoy referring to Hawaiian Shamanistic Healing: Medicine Ways to Cultivate the Aloha Spirit (Llewellyn, 2018) by this author—Wayne Kealohi Powell—with Patricia Lynn Miller.
The Way Home
This book is your starting point for deep personal healing and transformation. In Reclaiming Original Innocence: The Journey Begins, you will learn how to remove guilt, shame, and blame from your mental and emotional bodies, restoring your strong foundation. On this loving journey you will discover new levels of listening attentively, perceiving compassionately, and trusting your most profound inner wisdom.
Engaging the Authentic Self
This book offers many new ideas about navigating through pain, mental trances, and belief systems. Attentive, clear-minded listening within the spirit channel cultivates a keen sense of oneness with the unseen, that which can’t be physically seen, smelled, heard, our touched. Devotion to a meditation practice will help you get in touch with the origin of your beingness as light within a human body. The “deeper listening” exercises in this book offer a way to cultivate trust as we grow into hearing the voices of the ancestors, or witness an angel appear. Such shamanistic techniques for healing can lead you to further grace and beauty in your healing journey.
Healing Cherished Wounds through
Compassionate Self Responsibility
This book outlines the practice I call the sacred apology. The sacred apology is a practice that will teach you how to become self-responsible and self-reliant in all your human relationships. Its is inspired by Self I-Dentity Through Ho'oponopono.
It will remind you to go vertical, retraining the mind to see every event as neutral and everyone in an event as innocent. When you go vertical with your breathing and sincerely apologize to your higher self for each of your human transgressions and hurtful interactions with others, grace will relieve your guilt, shame, jealousy, and hatred.
From this divine perspective all is forgiven. Within this self-responsible role modeling, the truth will set you free of the past!
You can own all the exercises and meditations from the audiobook - 10 tracks / 62 mins - will bring you Home through the Spirit Channel
You will learn how to 'Go Vertical' and do your healing work daily with Wayne's gentle voice over a soothing, beautiful symphonic soundtrack
Wayne Kealohi Powell is the founder of Hawaiian Shamanic Bodywork, a traveling mystery school, and the Global Hoʻoponopono Alliance, a vehicle for extending the power of forgiveness worldwide. He is in service as a Doctor ofDivinity, holistic health educator, applied kinesiologist, author, singer/songwriter and recording artist. He’s facilitated healing courses, sessions and concerts in Ireland, Scotland, England, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Netherlands, Australia, Fiji, the United States and Canada.
Wayne has studied esoteric Hawaiian shamanism since 1984 and began teaching kahuna science—huna and the way of aloha—on Molokai in 1995. His work honors the many teachers, students, and musicians who helped deepen his love for all things spiritual through four decades of exploring the spiritual philosophy of various religions and Hawaiian culture. He is the author, with Patricia Lynn Miller, of Hawaiian Shamanistic Healing: Medicine Ways to Cultivate the Aloha Spirit (Llewellyn, 2018).
As a teacher and through his books, songs, and prayers, Wayne’s passion is to assist others to reclaim their life’s power and purpose. His courses and workshops can be found at shamanicbodywork.com and globalha.net. His original music can be found at waynepowellmusic.com.
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